It started out as a simple solution.
Sometimes the solution for one challenge can unlock other innovative possibilities.
It started out as a simple solution. A collaboration between departments. Let’s add an escalation field to our existing Sales Force system instead of creating a new document to track each one separately. With this new field we can stay organized and stay connected. We can all be on the same page – literally. We can pin reports and add comments or actions that everyone can see so we all know exactly where every escalation stands.
We could have stopped there, after all, the new field had done its job. We were working faster and smarter. But this simple solution was packed with potential.
We can track the Special Product Requests we receive from customers, sort them by product and use the data to assess where we want to allocate resources for future product development. This small addition, a simple field, meant to track notes and make day-to-day work easier and more efficient, can now be used a as strategic tool to help us make decisions that best meet our customers’ needs.
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