Our unwavering commitment to innovation not only transformed our laboratory but also revolutionized our customers’ operations.

We did our part as a trusted partner.

This is MY INNOVATION story

Senior Chemist | Narathorn Nisab

Our unwavering commitment to innovation not only transformed our laboratory but also revolutionized our customers’ operations.

At our Customer Service Laboratory in Thailand, we meticulously monitor the plating process using various chemical and physical tests. Through this observation, we pinpointed areas for enhancement. Notably, manual titration with a visual indicator emerged as one such area.

We came together as a team, working closely not only within our lab but also alongside our worldwide Chemical & Physical Characterization team, service engineers and customers. We shared the same mission: find a better way to perform titration. After thorough research and exploration, we introduced potentiometric titration with an automatic system into our workflow. This turned out to be a valuable approach that offered precision, efficiency, and time savings.

However, we didn’t stop there. We conducted in-house training for our customers who embraced our new approach because it promised to lead to increased productivity and decreased inaccuracies.

We did our part as a trusted partner. Working collaboratively to innovate and produce better results.

If you’re looking for the freedom to introduce and develop new ideas, we’d love to hear from you.

For more information, please visit www.mks.com/careers
See more MY INNOVATION Stories.