
  • Type
    TFS Gas Analyzer
  • Measurement Technique
    Tunable Filter Spectroscopy
  • Measurement Ranges
    CH4: 0-100%
    C2H6: 0-25%
    C3H8: 0-25%
    iC4H10: 0-50%
    nC4H10: 0-50%
    C3H6: 0-100%
    C2H4: 0-100%
    C2H2: 0-30%
    iso-C5H12: 0-10%
    1-Butene: 0-20%
    cis-2-Butene: 0-20%
    trans-2-Butene: 0-20%
    isobutylene: 0-20%
    1,3-Butadiene: 0-20%
    High Heating Value (HHV)
    Low Heating Value (LHV)
    Specific Gravity
    Wobbe Index (WI) (per ISO 6976: 2016)
  • Repeatability
    Gas Channels: <0.1 mol%
    HHV, LHV & WI: <0.4% of Reading or <0.2 MJ/m3 (greater of)
    Specific Gravity: <0.05% of Reading
  • Accuracy
    Gas Channels: ±0.5 mol% or ±1% of Full Scale or ±3% of Reading (greater of)
    HHV, LHV & WI: ±1% of Reading or ±0.4 MJ/m3 (greater of)
    Specific Gravity: ±0.5% of Reading

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