T2B Throttle Valve Diagnostic Interface (T2BDI)

T2B Diagnostic Interface (T2BDI) is an application for Microsoft® Windows® designed to interface with the MKS T2B Exhaust Throttle Valve with Integrated Controller.

With T2BDI, the user can:

  • View a real-time graph of valve performance (plot the pressure set point, current pressure, current valve position, and other valve data versus time)
  • Update valve firmware
  • Gather and record diagnostic information
  • Operate the valve (open, close, learn, issue set points, etc.)
  • Manage conductance curves
  • Edit the valve communication setup
  • View/Edit valve configuration settings
  • Compare valve configuration with a previously saved configuration
  • Implement valve setup and tuning procedures

T2BDI System Requirements:

  • Windows 10 or Windows 11, 64 bit.
  • PC and display with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.

The primary interface to the T2B valve can be RS232, RS485, DeviceNet, Analog/TTL or EtherCAT and is selected at time of ordering. A customer-provided Ethernet cable (either straight-through or crossover) is required.

Use caution when connecting the T2BDI to a valve that is integrated with other equipment. With the valve in REMOTE mode, the T2BDI can be used to view valve behavior and settings but no T2BDI valve control commands are allowed. If the T2BDI is used to put the valve in LOCAL mode, only T2BDI valve control commands allowed. The host control commands will be rejected.

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